BJJ Gear


Gi /ɡē/: A gi is a two-piece garment worn in traditional jiu-jitsu, judo, and other martial arts. The garments consist of loose-fitting pants and a jacket secured with a cloth belt.

Rash Guards

Rashguard /ˈraSHɡärd/: A rash guard is a shirt made of spandex and nylon or polyester that, as the name implies, protects the wearer against rashes caused by abrasions.


Belt /belt/: A belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a colored, cloth textile worn around the waist to secure the gi jacket. Brazilian jiu-jitsu belts are colored to signify a practitioner's technical and practical ability.

Mouth Guards

Mouthguard /ˈmouTHɡärd/: a plastic shield held in the mouth by an athlete to protect the teeth and gums.