How Often Should I Train BJJ? 

For beginners, 3 times per week is a good starting point. Jiu-jitsu is extremely fun and a good self-defense skill to learn. However, it can be taxing on the body, especially for beginners. Training three times a week while taking a day off between training sessions is a good starting point.

If you train too often, you risk burnout and injury, especially if your body is not used to vigorous exercise. New practitioners often have not developed the fine motor skills and muscular protection optimal for jiu-Jitsu. In addition to this, new practitioners tend to rely on their strength rather than technique, leading to additional stress on the body. For these reasons, it is recommended that new practitioners train only once every other day.

There's no issue with training less frequently than three days a week. Training less frequently will naturally lead to a slower progression; however, it's much better to train less frequently than risk an injury. Do not force jiu-Jitsu; nothing good will come out of it.

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How Long Does It Take to Learn BJJ?

About 2 years for a blue belt, 4 for a purple, 6 for a brown, and 8 years for a black belt.

Click here to learn more. 

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Why should I train BJJ?

Self-defense, fitness, or fun. There are many reasons.

Click here to learn why you should train BJJ.