Why Should I Train BJJ?
Self-defense, fitness, and fun. These three are among many reasons to start training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). Every individual has their own reasoning as to why they want to train BJJ; here are some of the best reasons.
Self-defense. Jiu-jitsu is a relatively safe method of self-defense. Jiu-Jitsu as self-defense involves getting your attacker off their feet (so they can't punch or kick you), passing their guard (the legs), controlling your opponent, and then submitting them. Jiu-jitsu does not have a striking aspect. You can practice jiu-Jitsu without the substantial risk of head or other bodily injuries that other martial arts require.
Fitness. Jiu-Jitsu requires strength, condition, and flexibility. By practicing jiu-jitsu, you will increase your fitness, and just as importantly, have a good reason to train for increased fitness.
Fun. Jiu-jitsu is a lot of fun to practice. As long as you train with respectful people who don't intentionally try to hurt you, jiu-jitsu is a ton of fun.
Confidence. Knowing how to defend yourself allows you to feel more at ease with physically intimidating people. Also, the culture of camaraderie that most gyms have is excellent for your self-esteem.
Reduced Anxiety. If you suffer from anxiety, all the exercise will do wonders to calm your nerves. Also, there's something about learning to defend yourself from actual harm that puts everything else into perspective.
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How often should I train BJJ?
For beginners, 3 times per week is a good starting point.
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What should I know before my first class?
Proper hygiene, etiquette, what to wear, and class procedures.